Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shot through, but still going...

Today is the memorial of St. Sebastian, one from whom we can all take a lesson, especially when all those striving to hold the Faith are shot through with the slings & arrows of outrageous fortunes. Perhaps it's more than a bit appropriate that his feast day falls on this inauguration day. Here's a small article I wrote for the bulletin:

St. Sebastian (†288) – Jan 20
Sebastian was an officer in the Roman army & secretly a Christian. He used his position to help the oppressed Church, but when his faith in Christ was discovered, he was put to death. Legend says he was shot through by arrows; but when he did not die & continued to speak out against the persecution of the Church, he was beaten to death. His protection has been often invoked against plagues & he is the patron saint of athletes.

The parish church across die Strasse from my hotel in Munich, Sts. Peter und Paul, had a fairly graphic statue of St. Sebastian in the German baroque style in the sanctuary. Someone mentioned that all those old European churches seem to have a statue of him. You can see the statue on the right as you face the sanctuary.

Beautiful high altar to the super-Apostles. Sadly, someone seems to have put the credence table in front of it! Also, beautiful side altars to Mary & Joseph. All in a parish church probably seating 250 max! I'm sure all you liturgical progressivists out there are keeling over & grasping to activate your LifeAlert neck pendants about now. Above the high altar, we have a bonus Mama's Boy image:

Ah, but I digress. St. Sebastian, ora pro nobis!

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