Friday, January 16, 2009

Now anyone can be a Father!

(...well, sort of.) We at Happy Entanglements absolutely glory in the writings of the Fathers of the Church.

They were the most intelligent, diverse, ecclectic, faithful, passionate, nearly-crazy, often rude, & occassionaly wrong bunch you could ever find. However, they are the ones who fought the theological battles & hammered out the articles of the Faith that we today often take for granted.
Go to Mike Aquilina's great site The Way of the Fathers to find out with which Father you most readilly identify by taking a short & rather hillariaous quiz.

Turns out I'm St. Melito of Sardis, with whom I am not familiar. I need to find out more about what makes him & me peas in the same ecclesial pod.
Like I know jack about jack, but it seems to me that what made them saints is not all the nutty stuff along the way, but that they persevered to the end by clinging to the Lord Jesus & the Church he established as best they knew how.
St. Melito of Sardis & All You Other Fathers, pray for us!

1 comment:

Mark G. said...

When I took it again, answering "What I wish I could do" rather than "What I usually do", I came up with.... St. Jerome! Wow!

Funny, though: I was just thinking of buying the new Douay-Rheims/Vulgate Bible from Baronius Press.