Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Music of Sacrifice

I found this little jewel at Fr. Longenecker's blog about sacrifice, using as an example something near & dear to me: bad liturgical music.

Music in liturgy is prayer. Thus, it should always be beautiful music executed well. It should worthy of offering to God. It should be clear. It should avoid performance & should never be entertainment. No one should ever clap for a piece of music offered to God. It should have an element of the timeless & the mysterious. It should never be banal or common or secular. It should be in accord to the Church's mind & voice on the matter. It should reflect the Catholic faith according to Lex Orandi Lex Credendi. It should reflect the glory of the heavenly kingdom, of which it should give us a foretaste & for which it should enkindle a desire. It should not only show us a bit of heaven, but should help us to get there, too.

This prinicple applies equally to sacred art, church architecture, church furnishings, vestments, liturgical language, sacred vessels, etc.
One comment in the comments: "Beauty is the ignored evangelist." Let's free the evangelist & let him sing. Amen.

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