Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domine,
Qui fecit caelum et terram.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
"'Fetus' comes from the Latin word meaning...
...'young one' or 'young child'".
Absolutely amazing. I mean, I am truly & honestly in awe of this young lady.
"We must remember that with our rights & our choices come responsibilities. And we can't take someone else's rights away to avoid our responsibilities."
I'm beggin' you - please pass this along. This must be seen.
In the spirit of dialogue and true Latin, I will enter that I think this word in Latin means offspring, of a plant or animal. That is the fact, from the sources I have. Take from it what you will. We all must interpolate something; even sir Francis Bacon recognized this in his Novum Organum. Respectfully, Kevin ps I believe opinions that are personal in the way of religion cannot be wrong, so I affirm the above sentiments, but said opinions should not be based on wrong information, thus I have put in my cent. So, back to the drawing boards...even CS Lewis would agree that not every assertion is true! FETVS does not mean "child." In Classical Latin, it does not.....C'est la vie.
I wanted to cry in reading that. It just breaks my heart. An eleven year old girl wants to stand up for the babies that are murdered, and those murders want to protect their rights to murder but not her right to have a voice for the unborn. The abortionist,murders (I refuse to call them prochoice because their only choice is to murder which is no choice for the child but for their selfishness) call fetuses not human. Are they not educated enough that they can't look up the Latin word for fetus? Fetus in Latin means BABY, or young one or young child. Such hypocrites. They want to stifle the rights of the unborn and the rights of free speech. They are not prochoice. They are murderers with their actions and tongues, their choice is to do evil.
SloppyJoe73 in spirit of your wonderful input, I would just like to say then if that is in fact what fetus truly means then scientists and many others have very wrongly abused that word and it's meaning. If fetus really defines the offspring of a plant than I believe the word should not be used at all in the stages of development in a human being. However I have looked up the word fetus, searching for its origin and meaning and I have only seen it translated to "young", but your input is very interesting, and I will be glad to look into it further.
Arguing over words has never changed the fact that science tells us from conception it has its own DNA that is not of the mother and is not of the father. But it is human which makes it a human being from conception with everything it needs to grow into a full size man or woman. Just as a one-year-old that is not fully developed or a seven year old own up to a fully developed man or woman. And to those who rightfully start with God because anything else leads to absurdity then in his word it tells us woman with child not woman with fetus regardless of what fetus is. There are several meanings but the one we would look for would be the one that's dealing with humans or mammals which tells us it is a small child. It is dependent on the mother but don't kill it because of that because so is a 5 year old. We must call it what it is it is a woman murdering her child by hiring a hitman a doctor God bless
Pro aborts say "its a 'fetus', not a baby". This was excellent as it refutes that - by the meaning of the word! If you abort, you are indeed.
"It is a great poverty that a child must die so that one may live as they wish." ~Blesed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
In the spirit of dialogue and true Latin, I will enter that I think this word in Latin means offspring, of a plant or animal. That is the fact, from the sources I have. Take from it what you will. We all must interpolate something; even sir Francis Bacon recognized this in his Novum Organum. Respectfully, Kevin ps I believe opinions that are personal in the way of religion cannot be wrong, so I affirm the above sentiments, but said opinions should not be based on wrong information, thus I have put in my cent. So, back to the drawing boards...even CS Lewis would agree that not every assertion is true! FETVS does not mean "child." In Classical Latin, it does not.....C'est la vie.
I wanted to cry in reading that. It just breaks my heart. An eleven year old girl wants to stand up for the babies that are murdered, and those murders want to protect their rights to murder but not her right to have a voice for the unborn. The abortionist,murders (I refuse to call them prochoice because their only choice is to murder which is no choice for the child but for their selfishness) call fetuses not human. Are they not educated enough that they can't look up the Latin word for fetus? Fetus in Latin means BABY, or young one or young child. Such hypocrites. They want to stifle the rights of the unborn and the rights of free speech. They are not prochoice. They are murderers with their actions and tongues, their choice is to do evil.
SloppyJoe73 in spirit of your wonderful input, I would just like to say then if that is in fact what fetus truly means then scientists and many others have very wrongly abused that word and it's meaning. If fetus really defines the offspring of a plant than I believe the word should not be used at all in the stages of development in a human being. However I have looked up the word fetus, searching for its origin and meaning and I have only seen it translated to "young", but your input is very interesting, and I will be glad to look into it further.
Arguing over words has never changed the fact that science tells us from conception it has its own DNA that is not of the mother and is not of the father. But it is human which makes it a human being from conception with everything it needs to grow into a full size man or woman. Just as a one-year-old that is not fully developed or a seven year old own up to a fully developed man or woman. And to those who rightfully start with God because anything else leads to absurdity then in his word it tells us woman with child not woman with fetus regardless of what fetus is. There are several meanings but the one we would look for would be the one that's dealing with humans or mammals which tells us it is a small child. It is dependent on the mother but don't kill it because of that because so is a 5 year old. We must call it what it is it is a woman murdering her child by hiring a hitman a doctor God bless
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