Monday, February 16, 2009

Life at the Feeder

Well, I caved into temptation in the Cracker Barrell lobby store & bought this spiffy amber-colored, blown glass-capped, abeit over-priced feeder. So now, Feeder III is on-line in the front yard, not so far from the front steps.
I was also pleased to entertain a visiting dignitary: the Cardinal! I don't think they migrated this year, possibly due to having a reliable food source; but on the other hand, until yesterday, I never saw him or his Frau at the feeder. They just hung back watching the others.
I took the advice of an Anonymous poster named Jill on a previous post & bought the black oil sunflower seeds, so the Cardinal couple should be quite well-stuffed.
Interestingly, he just hovered near the feeder like a hummingbird to take a bite. You can see that he has one foot on the feeder to steady himself.

There was lots of traffic at all the feeders this weekend - lots of little finchy birds & the like. Now that lots of the locals are back in town, I just feel bad that the bird bath keeps freezing over at night.

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