Monday, October 31, 2011

Notes on 6th Grade Catechism

I was watching Sunday Night with Fr. Benedict Groeschel on EWTN & pondering what approach I will take toward presenting the Faith to my 6th graders this year. This meditation settled on me.

The Gospel calls us to a life of utmost joy in the Spirit of God. It calls us to achieve our ultimate fulfillment by contemplating & striving towards union with God. The call of the Gospel is a truly radical one – it calls us to truly be whom we are meant to be: “Man fully alive.” I know there are people who believe that man is nothing than an animal that lives a short, brutal life, & then finally dies; but I genuinely believe the vast majority of people recognize, but are scared to death of this call to such inconceivable glory, & so settle for a lower, more earthly calling which seems more graspable, both in thought & reality.

The world today calls us to a life of conformity & consumerism, to be consumed by the things that we are assured we must have if we want to be happy. Yet isn’t there always a new thing to have? So this happiness is always a step beyond us. The world wants to force you into certain channels, certain mindsets, & certain lifestyles where it neutralize your will & freedom, & drain you of your humanity & your money. In the world we engage in projects that, while possibly good in themselves & can bring temporal success, are easily turned into idols that consume us & draw us away from the only thing that ultimately matters, our immortal souls’ communion with God.

I know this is not said well & that there is much more to say, but I want to teach this to my students in some way. Through the grace of God, I just barely escaped the jaws of the world, & I’m not out of the woods yet. I hope they will not fall for false & destructive happinesses, but recognize & cling to the happiness of God for their whole lives.

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