Monday, May 9, 2011

New Translation - The Real Deal!

It's often said that the law of prayer is the law of belief. And so it is. What happens in the liturgy really does form us as Christians in how we engage every other aspect of life. Therefore, the new English translation of the not-changing Latin text of Mass is one of the most important things, like, ever to happen in the modern English-speaking world. We don't yet understand just how important this is & how it will form & inform the faith of our children & their children, & so the whole world for years to come.

Part of all that is that the Ordinaries of the Mass - the prayers & responses that are meant for the whole assembly, generally (the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Pater Noster, & Agnus Dei) - are all set to very good, but easy to sing chants that are derived from the ancient Latin originals (you should learn those, too!).

To hear a wonderful preview of them, please go to the awesome Corpus Christi Watershed site & have a listen. You should practice them, too. It is the Roman tradition to sing Mass, not just sing stuff at Mass.

It's like when you were a kid & wanted the really rich chocolate milk, but your Mom cheapened out & bought "chocolate drink" instead. Yuck! We want the real deal! Advent can't come soon enough!

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