Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

I've never been one to be amazed that it gets cold in the winter or snows, whereas to hear some folks talk, you'd think it was the first time it'd ever happened. "Boy, it's really gonna be a cold one today!"

I usually answer back with "Yup, sure is" to keep from giggling out loud. Still, it's amazing that something so utterly common could also be so perenially new. Maybe there's a lesson in there somewhere.

I am in Columbus, Ohio this week for a training class on some very slick test equipment, & it has really been coming down!

Not that I'm amazed at that or anything ;) Still, it makes driving around a bit of a challenge - especially when you can't even really discern where the road is.

I also missed the opening meeting of my Why Catholic? group, where the Decalogue is the topic at hand. I do look forward (?) to going to Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Joseph's cathedral, assuming I can get there in time. Hard to believe Lent is here already.

I haven't had any time to write lately, & I don't see it letting up in the foreseeable future. Hopefully I will get the odd pithy thought posted here & there. I wish you all well.

Auf wiedersehen.

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