Friday, March 27, 2009

Just for Jill...

Whilst exiting the local Tractor Supply - making a bird seed run - I was taken hostage by a gorgeous sunset with layer on layer of multi-hued clouds. The crimson tinge on their undersides of the nebulae closer to the sunset itself reminded me a little of the photo at the top of the blog. I thought it worth making a dash to car to get the camera. It's important to notice these things - it's God reminding us that he's still with us.
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In order to correct the commonly-held misconception that I enjoy catching fish & then painting them red, I thought it erstwhile to show you all the unique steel latice frame of my Ducati bearing a coat of fresh red paint.

Or maybe it's a lobster trap...

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Lots going on in the Catholic news world recently: the Pope's trip to Africa (beautiful speeches & homilies to be found at the EWTN news page. Also, of course, the Notre Dame scandal. If you haven't yet heard of or signed the petition sponsored by the N-D Cardinal Newman Society, click here. Catholics have a confimational obligation to make their voices heard, especially in the face of grave injustice & scandal! I can't think of too many things that qualify more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya know...I'm sure Jacques Costeau filmed this very creature and documented it during one of his broadcasts. But, wait, that was in the 60's...hmmmmm! (I was too square to have damaged any brain cells)