Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Saint Nick...

I know you’re probably real busy up there, so I’ll keep it short.

All I want is to be a saint like you, to live in heaven forever with the Lord Jesus & that as many people as possible can come with me & be saints too. Think you can help me that that? Thanks.

And you know that thing about knockin’ Arius upside the head at the Council? That was Awesome!!! I know it’s bad to fight and stuff, but I’m sure it was for his own good. After all, he didn’t think Jesus was God; and if he wasn’t God, then he couldn’t really do anything to help us, could he? I mean, he’d just be, like, a really nice Sunday school teacher or something. So, thanks for makin’ sure we don’t believe any of that weird stuff now.

And even before we get to heaven, can you help us all to get along with each while we’re down here? You followed the way of Jesus & really cared a lot about helpin’ other people. So can you help us to do that, too? If we all really loved each other & tried to help each other out as best we could, this would be a pretty great place.

Anyway, that’s everything. I hope you enjoy your day. I guess since you’re in heaven, you enjoy every day, huh? I can’t wait to meet you in person to see if you look like the pictures. Thanks for helping to show us the way.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That wasn't a fight... it was fraternal correction.